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Vaisala WMT700 Sonic Anemometer with SDI-12 on CR1000X Logger

gpswx4cster Jan 26, 2023 07:38 PM

Hello Everyone, I'm not a programmer so whenever I touch my CR1000X CRBasic file, terrible things will happen to me! Hopefully, someone on this board is using the same instrument and logger with SDI-12 that you could share or provide a sample of your CRBasic coding?

I tried to build one using Shortcut unsuccessfully. My logger already has a RM Young 05103 connected and running (not SDI-12). My goal is to replicate my current RM Young sensor data tables to the WMT700. 

Thanks for any help!

Gary Shuford - Meteorologist 

West Feliciana Parish Office of Homeland Security

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