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One Way Data support in Java SDK

AaronR Nov 26, 2019 12:57 AM

Does the Java SDK support One Way Data (SendData CRBasic Instruction) and One Way Data Hole Collection?

jtrauntvein Nov 27, 2019 02:53 PM

The API defines an interface, OneWayDataHandler, that the application can implement and associate with a given datalogger using the Datalogger.add_one_way_handler() method.  The OneWayDataHandler's on_one_way_record() method will be invoked once for every record that the API receives from the datalogger.  Note that the architecture of the API is such that it is the application's responsibility to establish the low level link streams for the network.  This plays a part in one way data because the application may have to provide a TCP service that allows the datalogger connect to it in order to send one-way data.

Hole collection is the responsibility of the application and can be performed using the DataCollectTran objects in the API.

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