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CR10X - No new data received

JMCT Jul 23, 2018 04:51 AM


I have being using CR10X datalogger without any problem from years. Last month power supply went down, and after recover the datalogger is not sending any new final_storage data. I'm using loggernet to get data every hour, but I only receive new ports_and_flags data but not new final_storage data (it indicates '0' data received). I have seeing in the Troubleshooter tool that the 'Table Overruns' indicators is at '99', the rest of indicators (battery, memory, etc...) are OK. I have uploaded the program again but the issue is not solved. I have to manage the datalogger remotely as it is far from my office.

Please, can you advice any possible solution?

Thank you very much for your support

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