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RTMC Time Series how to draw a horizontal level?

jonny Mar 8, 2017 09:32 PM

I'm working on a gas level sensor project where we want a time series graph showing the gas level over a period of time. That's been easy enough to do however we also have a worksafe gas level limit which would be nice to display at the same time. It just makes it easy to idetify how we're tracking compared to our worksafe limit.

The worksafe limit just needs to be a horizontal constant line, but I can't seem to see a way to draw one? I could add our worksafe level constant to a table and display it using that but it seems a bit of a waste of data? Is there another way?


AMK Mar 9, 2017 08:32 PM

I think you might be able to generate the constant values with 'Add Virtual Data Source...' from the Manage Data Sources Tab.

jonny Mar 9, 2017 10:31 PM

Perfect! Thanks that seems to be working.

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